Imaginity es una agencia de marketing global que ofrece consultoría de marketing, diseño de packaging y branding
Convertir visiones en realidad: nuestra influencia global en el Branding, el Diseño de Packaging y la Comunicación de Marca
Bimbo. Branding
completocentro Client: Bimbo Country: Global Task: Branding Our client Bimbo, brought the challenge: to design an evolution of the Bimbo brand logo.Our proposal was to “give life” […]Mercado Libre. Branding, Consultoría de marca
fullcenter Client: Mercado Libre Country: Latam Task: Branding, Brand Consulting Mercado Libre hired us to create their new brand image, in order to update and modernize it, […]Pepsi Light. Diseño de Packaging
grandecentro Client: Pepsi Light Country: Mexico Task: Packaging Design Pepsi hired us to do the packaging design for the Pepsi Light special edition, associated with the […]Guinness Extra Stout. Campeonato de Rugby 6 Naciones Edición Limitada. Latas. Diseño de Packaging
completocentro Client: Guinness. 6 Nations Limited Edition Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design Can and six pack packaging design for the limited Edition Guinness 6 Nations Rugby championship. Imaginity […]Wise Snacks, Pack Retro. 100 años viviendo la vida sabiamente. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Wise Snacks País: EE.UU. Tarea: Diseño de empaque inspirado en su antiguo empaque. Para celebrar el 100 aniversario de su marca, Wise Snacks nos […]Mowi. Activación de marca
fullcenter Cliente: Mowi País: Noruega Tarea: Activación de marca, OOHH Mowi nos convocó para realizar las gráficas outdoor de los distintos cortes de salmón en los […]Go Mate. Naming, Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Go Mate País: Inglaterra Tarea: Naming, Branding Branding, Diseño de Packaging En Imaginity trabajamos en la construcción del naming, branding y packaging de GoMate, […]Cerveza Sol Mix. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Client: Sol Beer. Packaging Design Country: Chile Task: Packaging Design A unique mix of beer and cocktails. Sol launches its new line and calls […]Weber’s. Pan Naturals. Naming. Branding. Diseño de Packaging
completocentro Customer: Weber´s Country: México Task: Naming. Branding. Packaging Design. We collaborated with Weber\’s as a packaging design agency when they ventured into expanding their product portfolio […]Bagóvit. Diseño de botella
fullcenter Client: Bagóvit Country: Argentina Task: Product design Bagóvit, the Personal Care brand of Bagó Group, is now expanding into Hair Care. And we were asked by […]Café Olé. Diseño de Packaging, Branding
full Cliente: Café olé País: México Tarea: Diseño de Packaging, Branding Un nuevo deisño de packaging y branding que evolucionan junto al target. Café olé se […]Caviar Centurión. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
completo Client: Centurion Caviar Country: USA Task: Branding and Packaging Design The brand Centurion Caviar called us to work on the Global Launch of its brand and […]Artefacta. Branding
fullcenter Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the pack, […]Wynwood Blocks. Naming, Branding
fullcenter Cliente: Wynwood Blocks País: EE.UU Tarea: Branding, Print, Web Trabajamos en el branding de Wynwood Blocks, una marca que refleja la modernidad, la tendencia y […]Guinness. Latas. Diseño de packaging
fullcenter Client: Guinness Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design Diageo, the multinational premium beverage and beer company, signed an agreement with Rabieta, an Argentine craft beer company, to […]Weber’s. Bagels. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Customer: Weber’s Country: Mexico Task: Packaging Design We had the privilege of working, as a design agency, on the packaging design for the highly-anticipated launch of […]Nestlé. Delicias Frutales. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Nestlé Country: Colombia Task: Product Design Nestlé hired us to develop the packaging design for the limited edition of its new product Fruit Delights. The […]Botella de Cerveza Cristal. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Client: Heineken Panamá Country: Panamá Task: Packaging Design We have embarked on a packaging redesign project for the Cristal beer brand, aiming to establish a […]Pan La Perla. Cereal Balance. Diseño de packaging
fullcenter Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the pack, […]Go Mate. Diseño Web
completo Client: Go Mate web design Country: England Task: Packaging Design We work on design and strategy of communication of the Go Mate website. We think […]La Perla Pre Pizza. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Client: La Perla Pre Pizza Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on the packaging redesign of Pre pizza La Perla, with the aim of […]La Perla Redonditas. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the […]Go Mate. E-Commerce
centro completo Client: Go Mate. Web, E-commerce Country: UK Task: Web. E-commerce We worked with our client Go Mate creating the designs and building the communication for […]Weber’s. Línea Specialty. 15 Grain & Seed. Diseño de packaging
fullcenter Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the pack, […]Colun Light. Sabores Deluxe. Branding. Diseño de packaging. Activación de marca
fullcenter Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the pack, […]Rabieta Cerveza Artesanal. Diseño de packaging y botella
fullcenter Client: Rabieta Country: Argentina Task: Bottle & Packaging Design We worked together with our client Rabieta on the launch of their Craft Beer to the market. […]Eterno. Diseño de Packaging, Diseño de Producto
fullcenter Cliente: Jabonería Wilson País: Ecuador Tarea: Diseño de Packaging, Diseño de Producto Jabonería Wilson nos convocó para trabajar en el diseño de morfología de su […]Caladryl . Activación de marca, punto de venta
centro completo Client: Caladryl Country: Argentina Task: Brand activation We worked on brand activation and building communication for the new intensive care line of the Caladryl brand. […]Villa del Sur. Edición artistas. Diseño de Packaging
completo Client: Villa del Sur Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design Villa del Sur Mineral Water, Limited Edition: Celebrate Family with Water and Color. The objective: to position […]Cristal. Diseño de Packaging de Latas y Multipacks
completo Client: Heineken Panamá Country: Panamá Task: Packaging Design We redesigned the packaging for the Cristal brand: a 12 oz. can, and its multipacks: the 6-pack and […]La Perla Caserísimo. Pan de papa. Diseño de packaging
fullcenter Client: La Perla Redonditas Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design We worked on redesigning the packaging of Redonditas La Perla, with the aim of modernizing the pack, […]Sugerencias del Chef. Diseño de Packaging, Branding
fullcenter Cliente: Sigma Alimentos, Sugerencias del Chef País: México Tarea: Diseño de Packaging, Branding Trabajamos en la nueva línea de productos \»Sugerencias del Chef\», una marca […]Café Olé. Ediciones especiales. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Café Ole Country: Mexico Task: Packaging Design Special edition packaging design for Café Olé, communicating and reinforcing the concept of mexican coffee. All of them […]Deep River Snacks. Zesty Lime, Chimichurri. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Deep River Snacks País: EE.UU. Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Nos convocaron para el lanzamiento de dos nuevos sabores “Zesty Lime” y “Chimichurri” de […]PCS. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
full Cliente: PCS País: Ecuador Tarea: Branding & Diseño de Packaging La línea de belleza capilar profesional PCS – Professional Care System, buscaba reinventar y actualizar […]Adermicina. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Customer: Adermicina Country: Argentina Task: Packaging design We worked on the identity of the packaging design for the new facial cleansing soap, especially for acne, from […]Protectores Diarios Kotex. Diseño de producto
fullcenter Customer: Kotex, Kimberly Clark Country: Latin America Task: Product Design We worked together with our client Kimberly Clark on the product design of its new line […]Snacky Colombina. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Customer: Colombina, Snacky Country: Colombia Task: Packaging Design We redesigned the packaging line of the Colombina Snacky brand snacks, adding a new flavor, with the […]Keller’s Creamery. Diseño web
fullcenter Client: Keller\’s Creamery Country: USA Task: Web Design Keller’s is a Regional well-known brand. Our client needed an updated digital presence and we helped the brand […]Wise Snacks, Ridgies. Diseño de Packaging
completo Client: Wise Country: USA Task: Packaging Design Our client Wise Snacks called us to work on the redesign of their Ridges product. We design maintaining its […]Cerveza La Beriso. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: La Beriso Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design Music & crafted beer. La Beriso, Argentinean famous Rock Band celebrated this year its 20th anniversary. Under that […]Lava, Crema para lavavajillas. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
full Cliente: Jaboneria Wilson País: Ecuador Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Jabonería Wilson nos convocó para realizar el rediseño del packaging para Lava detergentes en crema. […]Borden. Comunicación impresa
completocentro Client: Borden Country: USA Task: Print Ad This campaign was developed to highlight the deliciousness of Borden in certain dishes. We took advantage of the […]La Vaquita. Diseño web
fullcenter Client: La Vaquita Country: USA Task: Web Design La Vaquita is a Regional brand we love, based on incredible small-batch products and a true Hispanic heritage. […]Wise Snacks, Ediciones Limitadas. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
full Cliente: Wise Snacks País: EE.UU. Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Continuando con el trabajo de diseño para la marca Wise Snacks, hicimos el diseño de […]Aguila Cerveza Diseño de Packaging, Branding
fullcenter Client: Emcesa, Aguila Beer Country: Paraguay Task: Packaging Design, Branding We collaborated closely, as a leading design agency, with our Paraguayan client, Emcesa, to develop the […]Casasco Factor AE. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Casasco País: Argentina Tarea: Branding y Diseño de Packaging Diseño de Branding y Packaging para la nueva línea de cremas humectantes de Factor AE […]Wise Snacks, Pimiento Verde Asado. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Wise Snacks País: EE.UU. Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Diseñamos el packaging de Roasted Green Pepper de la marca americana Wise Snacks, donde este […]Weber’s. English Muffins. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Customer: Weber´s Country: Mexico Task: Packaging Design To complete the line of new Weber\’s products, we designed the packaging for the launch of English Muffins, in […]Gloria. Diseño de Packaging
centro completo Client: Gloria Country: Perú Task: Packaging Design We worked with our client Gloria in the fruit nectars packaging redesign, with the premise of achieving a […]Bimbo, Camiones. Activación de marca
completo Client: Bimbo Country: Mexico Task: Brand Activation This branding project for Bimbo, implemented in Latin America, aimed to take advantage of the company’s own trucks as […]Lava. Detergente Lavavajillas Limón y Avena. Diseño de packaging
centro completo Client: Lava Country: Ecuador Task: Packaging Design Jabonería Wilson summoned us after redesigning the line of cream detergents, to update its line of liquid detergent. […]Weber’s, Giant Bread. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Weber\’s País: México Tarea: Para el lanzamiento de la marca Giant Bread de Weber\’s, realizamos una adaptación sobre los actuales panes Specialty a la […]Elisium, Ibumejoral. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Elisium Country: Argentina Task: Packaging Design, Branding The Elisium laboratory hired us to do the branding and packaging design for the launch of its new […]Day’s de Kotex. Diseño de Packaging, Branding
fullcenter Client: Kimberly Clark Country: Latam Task: Packaging Design, Branding Kotex was previously known as Day’s in Southern Latin America. As part of this project, we designed […]Inventigent. Naming, Branding
fullcenter Cliente: Inventigent País: EE.UU Tarea: Branding Trabajamos en la creación de esta nueva marca y su branding. Una nueva tecnología aplicada al manejo de inventarios, […]Marinela. Triki Crunch. Diseño de Packaging, Branding
fullcenter Cliente: Bimbo País: México Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging para Marinela Diseñamos el empaque de las nuevas galletas con chips de chocolate Triki Crunch para […]Bon o Bon. Activación de marca
full Cliente: Arcor País: Israel Tarea: Activación de marca Arcor nos convocó para realizar un exhibidor para el punto de venta, que pudiera contener, ordenar y […]Mowi Supreme. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Mowi País: Noruega Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Realizamos el diseño de packaging de salmón fresco noruego, para los packs térmicos de entrega desde […]Mazzei. Chía Crackers. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Mazzei Country: Paraguay Task: Packaging Design Mazzei launched a new product: Chia Seed Cookies, for those consumers looking for a natural and nutritious balance for […]Queso Borden de Corte Grueso. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Borden Country: USA Task: Packaging Design Our Client DFA was redesigning the Brand Image for Borden and they needed to capitalize the impact of the […]BeFit Branding, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Client: Mazzei Country: Paraguay Task: Packaging Design Branding & packaging design for Mazzei BeFit Imaginity | Design Agency | Branding, Packaging Design, MarketingDescno-repeat;left top;;auto full full […]La Vaquita. Activación de marca
fullcenter Client: La Vaquita Country: USA Task: Brand Activation La Vaquita OOH was developed to invite non-users to try a very traditional style of crumbled cheese for […]Protectores Diarios Kotex. Diseño de producto
fullcenter Cliente: Kimberly Clark País: América Latina Tarea: Diseño de producto Nuestro cliente Kimberly Clark nos confió el diseño de su nueva línea de protectores diarios, […]Borden. Hoja de ventas
fullcenter Client: Borden Country: USA Task: Print Design The challenge here was to deliver rational information in a clear, distinctive way. We design and delivered sales support […]F3 Architecture Print & Web. Consultoría de marca
completocentro Client: F3 Architecture Country: USA Task: Print & Web We work for our client the architecture studio F3 Architecture, making their web and designing their […]Wise Snacks, Extreme. Naming, Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Wise Snacks País: EE.UU Tarea: Diseño Packaging Junto a nuestro cliente Wise Snacks, trabajamos en el diseño de packaging para el nuevo sabor extra […]Nestlé. Beso de Negra. Diseño de Packaging
fullcenter Cliente: Nestlé País: Colombia Tarea: Diseño de Packaging Embalaje y diseño en tienda para los bombones \»Beso de Negra\» de Nestlé Edición especial, caja de […]Dos Pinos. Yogur Griego. Branding, Diseño de Packaging
full Cliente: Dos Pinos País: LATAM Tarea: Branding, Diseño de Packaging Trabajamos para Dos Pinos en el diseño de branding y packaging para el lanzamiento de […]